Dot Com

So when I signed up for my website address, and they asked me what I wanted the address to be this little skit of Jeff Dunham totally came to mind.  I LOVE Peanut.  And of course I love Jeff-fa-fa Dun-ham dot cooom!!  So you can imagine my excitement when I got www.TheNinjaAssistant   DOT COM!!!  I feel all professional and stuff now.  WOW!  Who knew!?

During the startup of my business  as a virtual assistant, I feel like a brand new mother.  I have lost sleep, have no exact schedule, have spent days in my pajamas and basically have worked my tail off to get things rolling.  However, like most new mom's (and virtual assistants)  we forget to take care of ourselves as we are so busy taking care of our new "baby".  I have a few new content writing clients (I blog for them) and a couple of social media management clients and then a few other tasks that I have totally neglected my own stuff.  I am slowly getting into routine though and figuring out what works best for me.

The sky is the limit right??  I truly have found my passion.  I am loving what I do.  Being a virtual assistant allows me to do all of the things that I love to do.  I love working with people and making them look great.  I love giving them the gift of time to focus on other things.

Is it not amazing how much we are blessed with other people's talents?  I am so glad that the guy down at the Jiffy Lube knows how to change the oil in my car.  Yes, of course I was raised in the era that this was a required task before I was handed the keys.  However, Jon does this for a living.  He has the tools.  He can do it in a matter of 15 minutes or less.  Me, Id have to gather the tools and a place to dump the oil...and then spend the time fiddling with the filter (oh yeah after I go purchase the oil and filter at the store).  It would be an all day event and I am quite certain NOT a pretty one.  So, yes, Jon at the shop earns my $$ every time.

Doing menial office tasks is much like that of which I ask of Jon.  I CAN change the oil. I have done it before.  However, he has the tools and is good at it.  Why not hire someone to do those things that YOU often are inhibited by?  Do you have a database that is a mess?  Do you need 700 mailers to go out by Friday?  If you hire me as your virtual assistant I can guarantee you'll not be disappointed!  If you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur and see how much THAT costs!!

Oh and spread the word

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